Sisters - Acrylic 18” x 14”

Self-Portrait. 9 x 11" paper collage on watercolor paper. Torn and cut papers, including painted and coffee stained, cardstock and magazine pages, and hand punched spirals. The lips were made with acrylic skins. I painted the teeth a bit and used a white Signo pen for the reflection in my eyes.

"Portrait of Dave Ramage" Paper collage on heavy watercolor paper - 9 x 11" Torn and cut painted papers, art magazine pages, astronomy calender, and cardstock. White and black pen.

9 x 12" torn and cut paper collage on canvas
Original - Sold

14” x 18” x 1.5” - mixed media

18” x 14” x 1.5” - mixed media

Torn paper collage on paper. - 6 x 8"

9 x 12" torn and cut paper collage on Wood panel - Original sold

15” x 24” Mixed Media on canvas

30” x 30” x 1.5” canvas

30” x 30” x 1.5” canvas. Mixed media acrylic

12” x 12” x 1.5” canvas, Acrylic Mixed Media, Currently Showing at Graton Gallery in their “Anything Goes” show (August 21 2018 - September 21 2018)

12” x 24” x 1.5” wood panel, acrylic, mixed media. Currently showing in the “Controlled Accident” exhibit at Santa Rosa Art Center, Santa Rosa, CA (August - September 2018)

36” x 24” x 1.5” Acrylic on canvas

14” x 11” x 1.5” wood panel, acrylic, mixed media. currently showing “Controlled Accident” exhibit (August - September 2018) at Chroma Gallery, Santa Rosa Art Center, Santa Rosa, CA

Each is 5” x 7” x 1.5” on paper affixed to wood panel and varnished. Acrylic gelatin prints. (Currently showing at Santa Rosa Art Center “Controlled Accident” exhibit, Santa Rosa, CA - Aug. - Sept. 2018)

24” x 36” x 1.5” (total) wood panels (three piece painting framed as one) reclaimed barnwood frame. Shown at the Sonoma County Fair (4th place) and in Petaluma Marin Fair in 2018 (Honorable Mention).

18” x 24” x 1.5” wood panel - acrylic, mixed media. Showed at Occidental Center for the Arts

18“ x 24” x 1.5” wood panel - Acrylic, mixed media. Showed at the Occidental Center for the Arts "Sea Creatures" exhibit (August - September 2017)

5" x 7" x .75” wood panel - acrylic, mixed media

18” x 24” x 1.5” wood panel - Acrylic, mixed media. Shown at the Sonoma County Fair August 2017. First place!

8" x 6" wood panel - Acrylic, Gelatin Print

8" x 8" x 1.5” wood panel - acrylic, mixed media, shown at Occidental Center for the Arts

4" x 6" x 1" wood panel - acrylic, mixed media

4" x 6" x .5” wood panel - Watercolor, gouache, and acrylic. Created November 2015

12” x 9” x 1.5” on paper/affixed to wood panel and cold waxed, Watercolor and Gouache. SOLD September 2016, to a friend in Bakersfield, CA

9” x 12” x 1.5” - watercolor on paper affixed to wood panel and cold waxed
Original SOLD - 2016 -
Watercolor Painting. August 2016
Sold to a tourist from New York, who was browsing the Graton Gallery during the "Anything Goes" exhibit.
Cards and prints available

5” x 5” x .75”

18” x 24” - Mixed Media

24” x 18” - Acrylic

24” x 18” - Acrylic


22” x 28” Mixed Media on canvas

Commission for a friend